mercredi 5 décembre 2012

Activities in Bryce Canyon

Thor's Hammer 

     For my first visit, I took the scenic route that allowed me to tour the most popular views of Bryce Canyon (Sunrise, Sunset, Rainbow, Yovimpa and Inspiration Points), views that I advise look. After the car ride of 60 km, I left the road and borrowed way.

     There are many walking paths or hiking along the canyon rim or inside the gorge. I participated in a march from the "homes" of red and yellow hands up in the sky, they give the impression to have landed on another planet. Walks are organized by difficulty, so before choosing one, remember to check the possibilities with the Visitor Information Centre is the mistake I made​​, and I found myself on one of the most difficult path.

     The Warden Bryce Canyon organize several special events created specifically to make our stay memorable. This includes discussions on astronomy during the new moon (a must not miss), and walks in the moonlight during a full moon, the full moon most amazing). For bitten horse, there are horse riding are very popular during the warmer months, and skiing-de-bottom during the winter snow. Because Bryce Canyon is located at an altitude of 2400 meters.
Queen's Garden Trail
   If you want to know the park before mieu to walk around the Visitor Information Centre is open all year and offers a slideshow, a museum and an impressive collection of information and books. Sunrise Nature Center is open during the summer and provides other information and exhibits (I was not able to go, but my friends told me that it was very interesting.

When I went to the east of the park and I went in a charming small town of Tropic. Then I continued east on the road "Utah Highway 12" and I had the opportunity to roll on one of the ten most scenic drives in the United States, it was a spectacle extraordinnaire.

All these activities was extraordinary !!!

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