The park is home to 59 species of mammals including :

- Mule deer is a cervid species that lives in the forests of western North America. It differs from the deer by its antlers more rights.
- Puma belongs to the cat family. It is also known in some areas as the cougar, cougar, mountain lion or panther in the term. It looks like a panther and is located in North America and South America. The puma is a difficult animal to observe and lonely.
- Spermophilus lateralis is a species of squirrel that lives in the forests of North America. It is part of the rodent family Sciuridae. In French, this species is called golden-mantled ground squirrel or terrestrial mantle Golden Squirrel.
- Tamia The minor is a small rodent resembling a squirrel, the smallest member of the North American genus Tamias. It is found in the forests of coniferous and mixed western Quebec Yukon and the western United States.
- Cacomistle cunning, also called cacomistle North America, is a mammal of the raccoon family and is native to North America.
- Mouse deer, also known as the Mouse in the evening, is a rodent of the family Muridae. This mouse is common in nocturnal North America.
- The coyote is a species of the dog family. Coyotes are found in North America, but also in Central America and North America until the coyotes Sud.La size does not exceed 60 inches at the withers and their fur varies from gray to tan.
- The black bear is the most common bear in North America. It occurs in a geographical area that stretches from northern Canada and Alaska to northern Mexico. It prefers forests and mountains where it finds its food and can hide.
Of the 175 bird species, there are :
- The California Condor is a species of large bird scavenger who lives on the west coast of the United States and Arizona.
- The Raven is a species of bird in the crow family, the largest order passeriformes. Present throughout the northern hemisphere, this is the corvid species whose range is the most extensive.
- Peregrine Falcon is a species of raptor robust, medium-sized bird reputed to be the world's fastest dive. Preys almost exclusively on birds, but some individuals may also tackle small terrestrial animals.
- The Red-tailed Hawk is a species of bird of prey, raptor or America Nord. La tailed Hawk adult tail red color (which gave its name), completed or not by a bar dark. And she has long and broad wings.
- The Broad-tailed Hummingbird is a species of hummingbird. This species is a species nectarivore. Cette uses the parade areas to reproduce. Although it is rare, this species hybridizes with the Costa's Hummingbird.
- The Black-chinned Hummingbird is a small species of hummingbird. It is present in the United States and Canada.
- The red-bellied Flycatcher is a species of bird in the flycatcher family Tyrannidae. La bellied measure 17 to 20 cm in length and weighs between 21 and 22 grams.
- The Violet-green Swallow is a species of passerine family Hirundinidae. Le beak and black eyes, paws pink with gray toes.
- The Chickadee is a species of small bird of the order of the passerine family Paridae. It is common in the mountains of the American West and its habitat extends from southern Canada to California and west Texas.
The average size of an adult is 19 cm, wings included. Gambel tit feeds on insects in summer and seeds throughout the year.
- The Steller's Jay is one of two species of blue jays. This bird lives in western North America and in Central America, its lenght is 30 to 40 cm and its weight ranges from 100 to 140 g.
For some species the climate Park Bryce Canyon is not right, but there is however eleven species of reptiles and four species of amphibians :
- Crotalus oreganus The Rattlesnake west, is a species of snakes of the family Viperidae. This venomous snake has a variable length, typically one meter, the record is 156 cm.
- Greater Short-horned Lizard is a diurnal reptile family Phrynosomatidae, horned lizards, iguanas and sometimes horns. It is found in North America.
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